A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Trivia Tuesday

I'm awfully grouchy today, not too sure why? I think it's my job..... I love my job but I also hate my job. I love that I get paid a fairly good salary to sit here and surf the net and write posts for my blog, answer the phone once and a while and talk to customers. But I'm not sure I enjoy the co-workers, my boss isn't really the "training" type, every time I ask him a question he either does the job for me or doesn't know the answer?! We are a new location so we aren't too busy yet which makes for really long days, the "assistant manager" is 65 and should have retired a few years ago (after his heart attack) I sometimes often feel like I know more then him - I think his title is just something they felt obligated to give him? Me and him switch shifts every week, this week is my early week and he is on late shift. Which I think is fair, but it seems like every time I'm on the early shift he takes days off which forces me to start early and stay late! Pisses me off that I have to put in all these extra hours and not get paid for it! The drivers are like children that you need to babysit and can't operate under their own brain power! I think a part of my grouch feeling is due to the fact that I want to start a family but the other half isn't quite ready. I am more then ready to go on mat. leave and blow this Popsicle stand! I just have to be patient and wait a few more months! ;)

Anyway I suppose that is enough of the complaining whining, my step count from yesterday was down again (even though I went on the same path as I did 4 weeks ago) 5942. I am on my last notch on my belt again so I think when I go get a new pedometer this weekend I will also buy some new pants and another belt. I don't think I will be able to wear my rings for too much longer either, they are getting so big that I'm worried they will fall off! I need to get them sized but I think I will wait until I am at goal or close to it.

So with all the recent TTC talk I thought it would be fun to let you in on a few foods that are suppose to increase you sex drive or be aphrodisiacs!

You may already know the most common ones:

Chocolate :
-- Chocolate contains chemicals thought to effect neurotransmitters in the brain and a related substance to caffeine called theobromine. Chocolate contains more antioxidant (cancer preventing enzymes) than does red wine. The secret for passion is to combine the two. Try a glass of Cabernet with a bit of dark chocolate for a sensuous treat.

Oysters :
--Oysters were documented as a aphrodisiac food by the Romans in the second century A.D as mentioned in a satire by Juvenal. He described the wanton ways of women after ingesting wine and eating "giant oysters." An additional hypotheses is that the oyster resembles the "female" genitals. In reality, oysters are a very nutritious and high in protein.

But did you know that these are also aphrodisiacs:

Pineapple :
--Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and is used in the homeopathic treatment for impotence. Add a spear to a sweet Rum drink for a tasty prelude to an evening of passion.

Asparagus :
--Given its phallic shape, asparagus is frequently enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food. Feed your lover boiled or steamed spears for a sensuous experience. The Vegetarian Society suggests "eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful effect."

Avocado :
--The Aztecs called the avocado tree "Ahuacuatl" which translated means "testicle tree." The ancients thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled the male's testicles. This is a delicious fruit with a sensuous texture. Serve in slices with a small amount of Balsamic vinegar and freshly ground pepper.

I think the most important thing I got from reading this is that usually alcohol helps! It mentioned a couple times that with the combination of wine or rum the myths really do work! Maybe it is just the alcohol? Now I just need to figure out how to get a non-drinker drunk, but not too drunk! ;)

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