A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday Fun Facts

A few days ago I read a very interesting article on Refrigerator Raid's blog that had to do with BMI and BF numbers. I think I have always mixed these up and truly didn't realize that they are two different things? I have a WW scale at home that gives me my BF (body fat) % and kinda assumed it was the same as BMI (body mass index) % apparently they are not. Midnight Raider directed me to a website that was very helpful and full of info. If you are like me and truly didn't understand the difference it is worth checking out here. After reading the post on the blog I don't understand why you would even go with BMI numbers? To me it seems like BF% is a way better way to track how "healthy" you are? For example my BMI% is 30.7% and my BF% (according to my scale) is 34.7%. According to both charts I am still in the obese category but the problem I have with BMI is that it doesn't recognize the difference between muscle weight and fat?! I think the BF% is a much better way to judge your fitness and health level.

I had an awesome night last night bowling, my average is only 130 and last night my first game was 190 and my second game was 209!! I got two turkey's last night ! YIPPEE! Unfortunately we didn't get home till midnight so I'm a little sluggish today, but it's Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow! My step count wasn't so good yesterday, only 3266 for the day! I think next week I might have to walk around the alley a bit more?


Elaniom said...

mmm, sleeping in tomorrow...

Yay for Turkeys! I enjoy the occasional game of bowling, but I stink at it! I have managed a strike on rare occasions!!

As for your steps, this weekend will be the test for me. I do so well at work because I park my car far away, take the stairs, and walk during my lunch hour. I have a feeling that the weekend will be a real test of commitment on my part. We'll see!

Jordanna said...

maybe you and Roxy could tag team it and combine your steps...she has four legs to your two...

Annieann77 said...

Thanks Jordanna! I was actually thinking about getting her a pedometer too and then compair it with my reading?! Pretty weird hey!? LOL

Elaniom said...

Hey, no cheating!! Besides, I have 2 dogs and a cat if thats the case!!

Kim L said...

Congratulations on all your weight loss. It sounds like you're doing an awesome job! I'm trying to use Blogger for the same thing. Check out my blog at "From YAWN to Come Hither." Good luck! You're more than half-way to goal!

Christine (Australia) said...

Hi from over here in Australia! Wow you've done well with your weight loss! I went bowling on the weekend too - my highest score was 158 which was one of my highest! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts! Keep up the great work!