A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Friday, March 23, 2007

It' Friday

This morning my eyes felt a little funny and my nose had a slight drip to it, I assumed it was because the radio station I listen to on the way to work was having a telethon for the Stollery Hospital and it brought back a bunch of memories of Kenzie in the hospital and how lucky we are. I wish I made more money cause the Stollery Hospital would definitely be on my charity list. I feel bad cause I really would like to make a donation but we are just starting to build our "nest egg" and even though they are only asking for $20 a month I feel like it might set us back a bit!? I feel so selfish! So anywho - I still have itchy eyes and a runny nose so I'm thinking I have allergies! I've never had allergies before! My boss says it's a sign of 'old age' - LOL, I guess I'm getting old! ;) I can't believe the amount of snow mold we have this year, it's on every lawn and it seems to be growing on the wood around our flower beds. We need a really good rain storm to wash this away, it's disgusting!

Last night was bowling night and the last week before playoffs, we played like crap and I like to think that we are trying to "save" ourselves for next week when we are in playoffs but I was really trying but just couldn't seem to find "the spot"!? It looks like we won grand aggregate!! How exciting is that! This means that we get to pick our prizes first at the banquet and considering the hubbies aunt was the one buying all the prizes we know what there is already - too be quite honest, there isn't too many "good" prizes so us getting first pick is awesome! I think next year me and the hubby will volunteer to buy prizes, I really enjoy looking at flyer's and seeing what neat things are on sale for the week. I'm not so crazy about the shopping part and going into places where big sales are to fight the crowd, but at least this way we can't complain about the prizes.

For this 'Fun Friday' I would like to share a website that my mom showed me - they are super cute, here is a preview:

Don't they look so cute! Click HERE too see more!


Denise Potter said...

i too have been listening to Joe. It bracks my heart to hear all those stories, and knowing that someday (knock on wood)I might have to use it. I too wish we could make a donation, but like you I don't feel we could handle it with everything else we have going on. I feel guilty too.

Marathon Someday said...

We all feel guilty about not being able to help others sometimes. Whenever I'm canvassed by the local Sick Kid's Hospital, I normally decline...and now that I'm a mom, I feel really bad.

Those pics are tooo cute. The cat one made me laugh lots.

cranky said...


That's one of my favourite cute things, and I am SO not a cute lovin' person!