A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Back to work :(

In a couple more days it will officially be the first day of spring!! Although it is pretty chilly today and doesn't really feel like spring. The snow has melted quite a bit and I can see patches of green in the grass!! I think I prefer fall over spring just cause all the trees change color and everything looks so pretty. But I'm still pretty excited about the weather getting nicer! :)

As expected my weekend was pretty uneventful, my hubby went to the hockey game on Sat - they lost ... again! So I had the evening to myself, it was great, I played around with our taxes to see if we would be getting any money back. It looks promising, the hubbies taxes are fairly easy and simple but mine are a little harder cause I have RRSP's and a pension. I think I figured mine out wrong cause according to my calculations I should be getting alot of money back and usually that means I figured something out wrong! LOL I might have to ask my mom or FIL to look at my taxes too see if I did them right!?
I also decided to start a recipe book, my mom made me one when I got married with a bunch of family recipes and recipes that she likes but some of them I doubt I will ever cook. So I found a few in my Low GI recipe book that I will probably make and I'm going to pick out the ones I will make out of the book my mom made and go through all the ones in my cupboard. It will take me a while to do this, I have quite a few recipe books that I have only looked through a few times and don't think I have ever made anything from! I also plan on ordering the NS cook book from Chapter's which will hopefully have more Low GI recipes that I will like.

On Sunday we decided to go visit the grandparents cause we haven't seen them for a while but we only got about 5 feet from the house and realized we had a flat tire!! My first one ever! We switched vehicles and the hubby changed my tire when we go home. One of the hubbies cousin's (the only one I really like) was also at the grandparents. She recently had a baby (two days before my niece was born), and I hadn't seen them since his baby shower so it was nice to see them. He is getting big, not as big as I think my niece is but he looks completely different from his the last time I saw him.

The hubbies grandma was quite concerned about the whole Pet food recall and made sure that we knew about it. There is actually quite a long list of cat and dog food that is affected by this recall, it looks to me like it is only wet food that is affected but if you have a cat or dog it may be worth while to check out!


Denise Potter said...

I'm now glad I don't feed my animals wet food. Not only is it smelly but the brand we use for our dry food is on that list! few we're okay.
Thanks for the info.

Marathon Someday said...

Recipe book sounds like a great idea! All of mine are sitting on scattered pieces of paper in a box.

And it IS amazing how quickly babies change. My little girl will be three months this week, and she barely looks like her newborn pictures anymore.

Jordanna said...

I was thinking of ordering the NS cookbook too!! I hope it has good stuff in it.

VegasGirl said...

Hiya! You don't know me, but I randomly stumbled across your blog =) I don't do nutrisystem, but my boyfriend does. I was wondering if you got the NS cookbook? I really don't like "microwavable" type foods, but a cookbook might make NS possible for me. I'd love to hear back from you!

Congrats SOOOOOO much on the weight loss. It is truely inspiring and amazing.