A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

This n' That

I was finally able to go shopping last night after work and almost finished all my Christmas shopping. Yah! I find it so hard to buy for men, girls are so much easier to buy for! So I didn't get home till 6:30, had dinner and then The Biggest Loser was on so I never ended up taking the dog for her walk. That's two days in a row (cause Tues. was grocery shopping day) but I still got my walking exercise just not the dog and boy is she driving me nuts! I need to take her tonight even though it is bowling Thursday and I don't have much time after supper before we go bowling. Today I found THIS and I found to be quite interesting because... a) NS is based on a Low GI diet and b) because I want babies soon! So this is good news for me or anyone else that wants babies someday. For the THAT part of today I thought another fun quiz would be good but couldn't figure out how to link it to the word so here you go!

Your Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled With a Puppy
Well - one cute, soft, cuddly puppy...And a very soiled Christmas stocking.
What Will Be In Your Christmas Stocking?

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