A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Friday, December 29, 2006


As you have probably noticed at the top of my blog there is a new ticker, a mini-challenge between Kellie and myself. It is a walking challenge, to see who can come the closest to walking 232500 steps by Jan. 31st (starting Jan.1st). This works out to be 7500 steps a day which I thought would be as easy as pie!! But yesterday I had my pedometer (picture on the right) on ALL day and I only managed to step about 7289 steps!! I even went for what I thought was a long walk after supper! And apparently Kellie had hers on all day yesterday too and stepped over 8000 steps! I think I might actually have some tough competition ahead of me! LOL

I'm not sure if I like my new pedometer and I think I might have to go get a different one. The one I got for x-mas is nice and stores a lot of info like calories burned, steps taken, steps/mile, miles/hour, a timer and a clock! But in order to figure out how many calories you've burned you have to enter your weight and it only goes up by 4.5kg or 10lb increments! That is not very accurate in my opinion! And since I'm Canadian we measure by kilometers not miles but when I talk about weight it is in pounds not kilograms?! So if I change the setting on this pedometer to read in km then it changes my weight to kg? grrrr It is also suppose to keep track of 7 days history but I have yet to figure that out!? I can't figure out how to see how many steps I did yesterday and of course I never wrote it down! I need to get a book or calender to keep track!
Does anyone else have a pedometer that they would recommend? I would like one that you can at least enter a more accurate weight, to keep track of calories burned!?


Elaniom said...

YAY!! I may actually be able to take you on this!!!!

Anyway, here is the info on the pedometer I got: http://www.omronhealthcare.com/enTouchCMS/app/viewDocument?docID=1531&parntCatgId=34

Anonymous said...

Hi Annieann77. I followed your comment from Kellie's blog over here. You hopefully already have some info over there with my comment on her blog that may help with your pedometer choice. Everything on the www.WalkingSpree.com site is changeable from metric to imperial. The pedometers are imperial (lbs)with single unit increments but on the wellness profile in the site you can click a button and have all your stats displayed automatically in either metric or imperial, your choice. It will also eliminate your concern about logging your steps. You can have a year's worth of your steps, aerobic steps, calories burned, etc. I also didn't want to start spamming blogs with info about our company so I've left my own personal blog url here instead as it's always good to find fellow canuck bloggers:)

Elaniom said...

Alright, my scientific curiosity got the best of me and I had to come up with someway to visualizing how far I would go by completing the same challenge month after month, so here it is!!!

If we both left our homes and headed toward the other's; traveling 7500 steps each day, we could meet halfway (about Fargo, ND) on or around August 24, 2007!!!

And, yes, I am a geek!!!

Annieann77 said...

LOL -- That's too funny! And in only 8 months! he he