A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Weigh in Wednesday

Week 16 -- I had a feeling that eventually my laziness would catch up to me! I was still able to loose -0.8lbs but it not quite as much as I would have liked to see, oh well at least it is in the right direction! They say that over the holidays the chances of you loosing weight is 1 in 500! That's crazy odds of loosing weight! I think the best case scenario would be to try and maintain your weight over the holidays and anything more is like icing on the cake! he he

Well my 5th shipment of NS is on the way and once again I'm worried that they forgot to put my 40lb bear in the box! Hopefully they remembered and on this shipment I should have some "new" items which I am excited to try! Last night I had the burger for dinner but when I went to open the package my burger was like saw dust? I've heard of this happening to other NS members but it is a first for me! I think I am going to get a hold of customer service today and tell them about it, and maybe on my next order I will have a freebie? I gave the big chunks to the dog and she seemed to enjoy it alot !! LOL

1 comment:

Fatinah said...

great loss for such a trying time of year. WAY TO GO!