A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Some more fun!

I am an

What Flower
Are You?

I found this on Skittles blog and thought I would share it. She has a really neat blog full of fun stuff, facts and stories. She won the Bestest Blog of the Day on Dec.9/06 and is definitely worth the time to check out!

Now the Iris is one of my girlfriends all time favorite flower and has alot of meaning behind it for her, so I am kinda glad that I turned out to be an Iris! It makes me feel a little closer to her even though it is just a silly game that probably doesn't mean anything- unless your the superstitious type? Which I just might be ?! he he


Amy said...

Hi sweety! heres the NS bears

Anonymous said...

Thanks Amy ! :)

Bobby Griffin said...

I'm here now, and that's all that matters. Thanks for the plugs Annie!!

Anonymous said...

LOL - Thanks Bobby ! I was starting to think that maybe I wasn't doing the links proper ? hehe

Barb said...

Thanks for the link to me toooo :)