A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas fun~!

My Elf Name Is...
Stubby Sugar Butt

I find this to be really humourous ! What's even more funny is that I put my hubbies name in and this is what it said for him ....

Hubbies Elf Name Is...
Minty Sugar Butt

What are the chances that both of us would be Sugar Butt's ?? LMAO !!


Elaniom said...

Apparently, my name is Happy Twinkle Wink and I am married to Trixie Eggnog Breath!! TOO FUNNY!!! Thanks!!

Barb said...

what a coincidence lol!

Scooter McGavin said...

Mmm, I got Holly Snaggle Tooth.