A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Monday, June 11, 2007

From bad to worse .....

What a long, busy, and eventful weekend! Of course it was a race weekend so it is all race related - Friday was pretty typical, all the street cars were hot lapping the track and nothing too exciting happened.

Saturday was our big Fox Hunt drag race where they try to encourage women to come out to the track so they get in for half price. This day was full of "exhibition cars" and was packed full of racing. Everything was ticking along great, on time and no down time (a very rare thing). Until 5:00 when it started pouring rain!! The opening ceremonies were suppose to start at 6:15 but unfortunately after we finished cleaning the track it was already 7:00 and the show must go on! While we were waiting for the rain to stop and track to dry there was an incident in the pits, one of the very experienced crew members from a show car team got his hand caught in a blower belt and almost ripped his hand off! Thankfully we always have a ambulance at the track and they were quick too asses his injury. We found out the next day that he did in fact loose three fingers but they were able to save his pinkie and thumb! It's amazing at how fast someones life can change like that!

After that it seemed like the day just got worse, we had a couple cars hit the wall and one of them rolled!! Then a couple cars oiled the track, which created "down time" while we cleaned up the mess. Needless to say we had to cut the show short and didn't finish any of the eliminations! Half way through the night we had the jet cars come out to do their show, thankfully one of the guys on the starting line noticed that one of them was leaking jet fuel all over the track and they rushed in front of him to shut him down! If they had not noticed that-- there would have been a huge ball of fire at the starting line and all of them would have been engulfed in flames!!! It was a very scary weekend, full of lots of close calls! It started to rain again at 11:30pm so we called the show and shut down for the night. Sunday was pretty much the same, lots of cars breaking making the race last forever! Plus we had to finish off all the eliminations from the night before. We didn't finish Sunday until 7:00 and we never even finished doing the "King of the Hill" eliminations!! I'm so tired today, I did NOT want to wake up this morning! Thankfully I get the next three Saturday's off!! :)


Denise Potter said...

wow, that's crazy stuff.

I feel your not wanting to get up thought.

Have a good one!

VegasGirl said...

Yikes! Sounds like trouble, trouble, and more trouble. How frightening!