A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Busy, busy! :)

We were so busy at work yesterday I didn't even have time to write a little bit on my blog! I actually really like when we are that busy cause you get into a rhythm and the day flies by!! :) I also really enjoy my job, I could use a raise but I like it here. My boss is great at giving time off and lets us slack off a bit when we aren't busy but when we are busy you know you need to work! So yesterday because we were so busy and I think because I was working hard my boss let me leave 15 minutes early!! YAH! So on my way home I stopped to do a little shopping at Mark's Work Warehouse they had a sale on tank tops with built in bra's! I have never been able to wear spaghetti strap type tank tops before because my bra straps were always way too wide and it looked funny. And even though I have lost a fair amount of weight on my top I still am too "well endowed" to go bra less! he he So these tank's are perfect !! I love them, they only had two mediums left so I bought both and I also picked up a new pair of shorts (size 12) and a few other wide strap tanks that were on sale - 2 for $15!

I never had time last night to go shopping for bedding plants so I think I will do that on Monday. My FIL came over last night to do some work on his truck and after I took the dog for her walk I was busy getting things organized for our weekend at the track! It's quite the ordeal to make sure I have all my dairy, veggies and fruit plus have all the hubbies food! And last weekend he felt like having a banana so I was short a fruit, so this weekend I am bringing extra bananas! ;) After I think I got everything organized cleaned the bathroom, it was discusting and needed to be done!

Every Friday that we go to the track I have to pack a nap sack of all the food I am eating for the day! I feel like such a piggy! LOL I think one of the ladies at the track wants to try NS but hasn't really said anything yet!? I think she sees how much food I eat and how it seems like I'm always eating and she will say something like "I need to try a new diet, this one's not working for me". I hope she does try NS, I know it probably doesn't work for everyone and I believe that there is a diet for everyone out there, you just have to find one that works for you. I just know it worked for me and if/ when I ever need to loose weight again I know I will be using NS again! :)

My back has been killing me lately! I'm not sure why?! Maybe because I stand on cement all day at work or when I'm not standing I'm sitting on a very uncomfortable bar stool!? Anyway I have been taking Robax to help, which it does but it also makes me incredibly drowsy! I also don't really think it's a good idea to be taking it if there may be a chance that I am pg, so I can only take it when I know for sure I'm not and during my 2ww I need to suffer!? I know that one of the symptoms of pg is a sore back but I hope it's not like this! And if it is what can you take for it?

You Would Be a Pet Fish

Relaxed and laid back, you prefer to sit back and observe what's going on around you.

You are secretly very wise and intelligent, but few people take the time to learn about you.

You don't mind if the world doesn't understand you.

You're having enough fun trying to understand the world.

Why you would make a great pet: You're peaceful and nice to be around, but not very demanding

Why you would make a bad pet: Let's face it... the only person you're truly interesting to is yourself

What you would love about being a fish: Swimming around aimlessly without a care in the world

What you would hate about being a fish: Being used as bait or food for bigger fish

What Kind of Pet Would You Be?


Denise Potter said...

we where both busy girls yesterday. You with work me with home. lol.

Yahoo for some new cloths! I'm looking forward to shopping in regualar stoeres.

Are you finding things cheaper to replace being in regular sizes?

VegasGirl said...

I'd be a pet cat =)