A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Almost the end of another week!

My mom gets home today from her trip to Vegas!! I was watching the weather on the news and it sure was hot down there! I think yesterday it was 38C! Mom probably wasn't liking that too much and more then likely stayed inside and played the slots!?! Today it looks like it shouldn't be as hot there, only 28C but still much hotter then my mom would like! ;) I guess I'll find out tomorrow if she won the "big one"!? Someday I will experience Vegas, some NS members are planning a trip to Vegas in October and have asked if I want to go but I don't think it is in the budget this year!? I would like to wait till we can afford to drive down, see the sites, maybe go check out the Grand Canyon then on the way back come up the coast and stop at Disneyland. I mentioned to the hubby about how it would be neat to walk the strip and he agreed mentioning something about how he would like to bring the car down so he could go down the strip!? Well I was talking about "the strip" with all the hotels and he was talking about the drag strip! ? LOL Just goes to show how different our thoughts can sometimes be!

I found a 'friend' on

Facebook yesterday that I haven't talked to since grade school! I introduced her to her husband and it says on her profile that she now has two kids! I'm so happy for her and e-mailed her, I hope she writes back and hopefully she doesn't think I'm a Facebook stalker! ;) I'm telling you this Facebook thing is great! It's great to see people that you haven't seen in years and catch up on what's new. Sometimes it's odd to see that my friends have friends listed on their list that were definitely not their friend in school (different group) but now that they are older they are considered "friends"?! And I admit I have people on my "friend" list that I have never even met but we work for the same company so now all of a sudden we are "friends"!? It's fun searching for friends and groups, you should check it out, then I could add you as a "friend"!! LOL ;)

1 comment:

Chris H said...

We have something similar here in New Zealand too... and I've found a couple of old friends too... it's rather fun. Hope you get to Vegas one day, I would love to go there too... but it's just a bit far right now... and my car would have to grow wings!