~~ Week 24 ~~
I just finished my 6th month on Nutrisystem which is way past the time that I had budgeted for but since it is working so good I thought it was ok to keep going. This past week I have had a lot more meals on my own and have been trying to count calories a little (or at least have a estimate of how many calories I have eaten). I am weening myself off NS and each month I am delaying my order by a few weeks. Originally - when I started NS, I was only going to do it for 5 months. My budget was $1500, which BTW is like one month on JC! I was very sceptical at first of NS like I'm sure most people are when starting a new diet. I was afraid that by going on a diet where all the food is laid out for you I wouldn't learn anything about nutrition, which is exactly the opposite! I find that I have learned more on this diet then I have on any other diet - in regards to reading labels and knowing the difference between "good" fat/carbs and "bad" fat/carbs !? I remember the day when Jordanna e-mailed me a coupon for NS and told me that she wasn't trying to pressure me into joining but if maybe I was thinking about shedding some pounds that I could give them a try! To be quite honest I hadn't even thought about going on a diet! Even though I wasn't happy being fat, I thought I was just "fluffy" or "big boned", not once did I ever think I was obese! She told me about how she had joined and had already lost quite a few pounds, I was very sceptical and thought it would be the same as the time me and Denise had joined WW together and I struggled to get my stupid star sticker and Denise was dropping pounds like crazy! I assumed NS would be the same, it would work good for some but of course it wouldn't work for me! But I was wrong .... I love NS - the simplicity is by far the best thing! So for week 24 (almost on my own) I was able to shed another -2lbs! I'm so close to getting my 60lb bear I can hardly wait! I'm not going to place my next order till I know my bear will be in there too!
I thought that maybe I would like to reflect a bit on things that are different now then they were 6 months ago, besides the fact that I am almost 60lbs lighter!
6 months ago- I could not cross my legs like a girl
Now- I do it all the time! ;)
6 months ago- It took all my energy to walk around the block and it took me 30min.
Now- That same walk takes me less then 20min and that is just the warm up.
6 months ago- I couldn't tell where my boobs ended and tummy began
Now- I can clearly see the difference even when sitting down.
6 months ago- I didn't have much self-confidence and hated being the center of attention
Now- I still don't care for being in the spotlight but I do hold my head higher and find that I am not afraid to voice my opinion, I am proud of my accomplishments.
6 months ago- I would have though that a cheese burger was a balanced meal- meat, dairy, veggies, bread, little fat ..... what else could you ask for?
Now- More then 400cals for one meal is insane! And that is including all the extras!
Hopefully I will be able to continue with this diet forever, I do plan on getting some low GI cook books and hopefully finding some good recipes. I believe this is a diet that I could follow for life, the only issue I have with it is that I eat a lot of soy products now and I have heard that if you are pregnant they do not recommend expecting women to eat a lot of soy?! So I may have to cut down on my soy intake when I get pregnant! But I think I can handle that! ;)