A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I snuck a peak at the scale again this morning and I don't think that it will be a very good week (scale wise)!? I don't think I did anything different this week, maybe it's just cause I've been having good losses!? I'm OK with it, it's just the way the cookie crumbles! ;) I feel kinda blah today, you know where you don't really feel like doing much but you feel like you should be doing something? I should be excited because as most of you know it is almost that time of year where we will are going to TTC and hopefully it isn't going to be that complicated! I think I'm just tired, tired of work, tired of the same ole routine, tired of everything! I know it's a poor attitude but it's part of being female, I think, once a month we or at least I seem to be a little more sad about things?! Things tend to bother me a bit more then they did a few weeks ago, especially people, I get easily irritated! I think my hubby is learning this about me, since we are working out at the track on weekends my house cleaning routine now needs to be done during the week, and yesterday he took it upon himself to vacuum the house !! Without even being asked! :)

My mom told me yesterday that they are going to Vegas for four days!! I asked when "we" were leaving and she just laughed! So unless I can fit in her suitcase I guess I'm not going! :( They leave on Sunday, lucky buggers, it's really hot there right now so they will probably spend most of their time in the casino's where it is air conditioned! She also mentioned something about my birthday and going to Vegas, a girls only type holiday!!! ;) Sounds good to me but the prices go back up in Sept, the flight is fairly cheap right now because it is so hot there and people don't like it when it's too hot! I'll have to do some serious saving if I want to go in Sept, I've always wanted to go to Vegas but I always assumed my hubby would be coming with me too!? I think he would be a little jealous if he wasn't invited!


Denise Potter said...

Hang in there lady it will pass. I haven't met anyone who doesn't get the blahs at least once a week. The hormones are ragging and all we can do it hang on and take the ride.

Yup I did get my 10 pound bear. He looks rather lonely up there by himself. I'm looking forward to giving him his 20 pound buddy in my next order.

Luv ya!

Anonymous said...

You should work on getting your passport if its expired - just in case. It would be really nice to go but will have to win the lotto first at the prices I saw for 4 measly days. And then spending money on top of that. Sheesh what a rip off.

VegasGirl said...

I love Vegas so much! It is expensive, but they work really hard down there to make you not realize or worry about the money you've spent.

Yay for your husband vaccuuming the house on his own!

Chris H said...

Oh the joys of being a girl... it happens to all of us every month, the ups and downs, such a pain. Hope you get to Vegas for ya birthday, what fun!

Marathon Someday said...

Good luck with TTC!!! I hope you get a BFP very, very fast!