A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's a miserable Monday! hehe

Back to work today for some people? Because Remembrance Day fell on a Sat. this year some people took today off too?? Not our company, I'm back at work but not too busy today because most of our customers are not even open. It's looks pretty miserable out there today too, the snow is blowing all over the place and the trees are all frosty. But next week I heard we are suppost to be up to +6C !!

The weekend was pretty good, short as usual but aren't they all? I took my mom with me to that scrapbook open house, its a long drive so the company was nice and she bought supplies so that's always a plus!! Next weekend is Grey Cup weekend so we plan on having a few people over for that and I have a candle party to go to!
I want to start doing some Christmas baking but the challenge will be not to sample any of the product!? So I'm looking for some quick, simple but good cookie recipes.
I'm a little angry with NS right now, they are suppost to be shipping out my order tomorrow but I just checked it and there are a few "low inventory" items AGAIN! Usually they don't really effect me too much and I'll just pick something else that I know I like so they don't pick something for me. But this time they put low inventory on the Granola cereal - this is my favorite cereal and I know that if I don't change it I will end up with Apple granola bars instead. But if I leave it then there is a small chance that I might still get some of them? They are suppost to be coming out with new foods and are slowly discontinuing some of the old food but they aren't bringing in the new foods quick enough so our choices of food is get smaller and smaller. I think for breakfast there is only 10 choices now ? And a couple of them I don't even like, grrr! I think if they are going to be taking food off the list they need to be replacing it at the same time so we still have our choices!? Isn't that what we are paying for??

1 comment:

Jules said...

I noticed that about NS lately too. I haven't ordered any food from them for almost 1 1/2 months now. It seems like right when I stopped ordering is when they started taking foods away. IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! Anyhoo, I have a bunch of NS foods I'm going to be selling on eBay soon...no breakfast foods though. But you know, I've found the most success with replacing breakfasts. There is probably some good generic low fat granola you can buy at the store - just portion it out ahead of time and it's pretty much the same thing as the NS.