A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

busy ...

After work today we need to go out to St.Albert to drop my dog off at my Dads so he can babysit her while we are out of town at the wedding. I'm a little worried about this, only because lately her legs have been bothering her. Last night she was limping a lot and her hind legs would shake if she would stand on them too long. This morning there is no change, she limped her way into the living room to have oatmeal with my hubby. She is getting old, 11yrs, and I am a little worried that since she is a Rottie she may have hip dispalsia (sp?), which is apparently very common in Rottie's. Hopefully it is just sore bones from all the rain we have had lately but I hate leaving her when she isn't feeling very well. It's like leaving your baby with a sitter when they have a cold! ?

Only one and a half more days till my boss is back and it seems like each day is getting harder and harder. I think I definitely have the more stressful of jobs here and honestly don't think I get paid enough to "baby sit" the so called "assistant manager", I think I am going to ask for a raise when my boss gets back and hopefully I will be backed up by our salesman to tell him how much I did!


Chris H said...

What a gorgeous dog... hope he's ok. And yep, go for a raise, hope ya get it!

Carrie said...

Cute doggie :) One thing that you can try is getting some glucosamine condroition with MSM for him. It is a human supplement that you can get reasonably cheap at CostCo or BJ's for a large bottle and you will need to give him about 1 dose a day, and in about 2 weeks you should see some improvement in his limping. Of course call your vet and check the proper dosing for them. Also you can give him some buffered asprin for the pain until the supplements kick in. Our youngest pup had hip dysplasia and that is what we had to do for him before he had surgery. (he had surgery, b/c he had it at 6mos) good luck!! let me know if you have any questions.

check out these sites for info and dosage :)



Denise Potter said...

Poor Rox I didn't realize she was geting so old.

I hope she feels better.