A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekend Review

Boy was it hot this weekend!! The heat sure does help with the weight loss. You don't even have to do anything physical, I was sweating by just being outside! Instead of taking the dog for her walks in the evening after supper I decided to take her in the morning when it was still cool outside. I would like to get into the habit of doing this during the week too but I'm not a morning person and I think it would take me a very long time to get into that habit! ;) We set up our little plastic kiddie pool for the dog and changed the water in it for when friends came over and their little girl went for a swim.

Friday night we went downtown to see some friends and of course stayed out too late, we never got home till 2am! Then Saturday I had to get up fairly early to pick up my MIL too go to the Farmer's Market. Saturday was an awesome day, I'm so glad I got it off work! We met my Dad at the market and took our time walking through it, I found my hubbies sauerkraut perogies that he likes and also picked up some baby potatoes and baby carrots. After we walked around for almost an hour we went for lunch and met my SIL and niece's (which I haven't seen for a very long time), we had a good visit and 2 hours later we headed off to the car show! My Mom met us at the show and we walked around for a bit but it was so hot by that time that it was almost unbearable! My hubby was helping work at it, his station was the "buck a hit" truck, with all money being donated to the Stollery Hospital. But since it was so hot not too many people felt like swinging a sledge hammer! Saturday night we went downtown again but there wasn't too many people out, we did however get to watch a bit of the fireworks from the Exhibition and there was some kind of bar fight beside us that needed four cop cars and two ambulances too control the scene! There was also a foot chase involved, it was quite exciting!! :)

Sunday was quieter, I cleaned the house a bit and the hubbies friend came over to work in the garage. Later that night his girlfriend and kid came over and we had a BBQ, steak and my baby potatoes and carrots that I had just bought at the market with salad! It was very yummy! It was a good night except for the fact that the house was too hot to sleep in, making it a very long night. I think I tossed and turned till midnight when it finally started cooling down enough to sleep! Hopefully tonight isn't as hot and I can have a good night's sleep! ;)

1 comment:

Denise Potter said...

sounds like you had a great and full weekend!