A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Weekend Review ...

Well the weekend wasn't too bad, Friday night street legals went fairly well until the end of the night when a "problem racer" blew his engine and almost hit the wall! Then it started raining so we were unable to clean it up that night and had to clean it in the morning. I call him a "problem racer" because he apparently was giving everyone a hard time about his car, when tech asked him questions he lied to them and when safety wanted to shut his car off after his engine blew he denied that it had blown up and claimed it was just water?! Needless to say this driver will be getting a letter from the drag manager telling him that he is not welcome back!

Saturday and Sunday were also fairly smooth races .... for a change! :) On Sat. night I went for a shower at a truck stop that is close by and when I got back I was going to go over to the oval races too watch for a bit but got stopped by one of my co-workers (on the drag side). He was giving me a guilt trip and kinda pressuring me too buy a trailer. I don't think I've ever
mentioned it but the lady I work with in the tower was interested in buying this guys trailer cause it's bigger then hers and I kinda mentioned how I might be interested in buying hers cause it has a bathroom and ours doesn't. So now I guess this guy made an offer on a trailer and was hoping to sell his to the other lady
in the tower but she won't commit to buying his till she sells hers -- make sense? Anyway so my hubby looked at her trailer and said it is way too small, he doesn't want it!!! So the guy that made an offer on another trailer is going to loose his deposit cause now this lady isn't going to buy his and we aren't going to buy hers? ? ! What a story hey? Not that I'm going to loose sleep over the deal and not that it's in any way my fault that this guy is going to loose his deposit, in fact I find it a little humorous!? oh well... :P

I also got a guilt trip from the drag manager about how I am taking my birthday weekend off. The other tower lady wants too take the same Sunday off as me and they both seem to think that I should just change my birthday party too the weekend before! Which maybe I would have if they hadn't screwed me around for the Nationals! But since they didn't do me any favors for working that day I don't really feel like doing them any favors! It may sound childish but I am not going to change my plans just to make their lives a little easier! I signed up for part time at the race track and I already have worked way more then I planned on!! The drag manager is just going to have to figure it out on her own, and maybe if she treated me a little better at the last race I would be more co-operative now!

I am once again tired from the long weekend and was hoping to go to bed early tonight but had forgotten that today is my FIL Birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIL!! :) So we will be going out for dinner this evening with them! Not sure where yet but I'm not picky, anything is better then cooking at home especially in this heat! ;)


Unknown said...

Hey there! I'm just dropping you a note to thank you for getting me started on NS. I finally hit my goal weight on Sunday, something I was never quite able to achieve on Atkins (I always ate too much).

I'm happy dancing and fitting into my skinny jeans and they aren't skin tight anymore. After going from an 8 back to a 10, I am thrilled to be back in my 8s again, and at my lowest weight ever. :)

Denise Potter said...

good for u! Stand up to those ladies!

Sucks about that guy lossing his deposit. Should have made sure the old trailer was sold before you went looking for a new one stupid!!! Oh well...men!

Have fun at dinner. Wish him a big happy b-day from me too.