A personal blog on the battle of the buldge!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday weigh in ?

I have decided that to weigh in every week at this stage in my weight loss journey is becoming frustrating, too record one pound up this week and then a half pound lost the next. Last week I decided that I am no longer going to post my weekly weigh in's on here anymore, I thought that from now on I would like to only post my weigh in's once a month. However lately my weigh in's haven't been the greatest and I am wondering if I should still post them so that I am liable for them and not feel like it's OK to keep gaining! I am now officially 4lbs higher then my lowest weight and even though it is only 4lbs it feels like 14lbs!! I feel really heavy lately, my clothes don't fit right and I feel like I have little energy. It's funny how 4lbs can make that much of a difference and maybe it's because TOM is around the corner and only a few days away but it still sucks to see the scale go up! I think it is time for me to smarten up, buckle down and get back on track! I feel like I am headed for a train wreck! I think I will set a new mini-goal ... it's been a while since I had one of those and with Halloween just around the corner with all those tempting mini chocolate bars I need to stay focused! My new mini-goal is too loose 5lbs by our race banquet on Nov 3rd, that's 2 weeks away - and I think should be achievable?! I want to look my best at the banquet and I want to be able to enjoy the meal without the guilt of making a piggy of myself! ? Then if I end up gaining a pound or two from the banquet meal it won't put me over my 5lb leeway that I said was OK to fluctuate between.

The hubby took the dog back to the vet today to get her stitches out and for him to see how she is progressing. Well I just got off the phone with him and he

said that the vet says everything looks really good. She seems to be healing good and it's OK that she is not putting full weight on her leg just yet, that it is part of the healing process. She has also had a cough since coming home and he said it was because they put a tube down her throat and it got a little irritated but should clear up on it's own (just like my MIL said). So I guess she goes back again in 4 more weeks too check it out again for the final time and by then she should be good!? ;)

I went out to St.Albert last night for the Jobie meeting, which was short and sweet but there was lots of people there that I hadn't seen for a long time so I ended up socializing longer then expected and didn't get home till 10pm. I also stopped by my Dad's house while I was out there to pick up some old puzzles I had. My MIL is going for surgery on the 22nd and asked if I could pick some up so she would have something to do. So I just grabbed them all - my back seat is full of puzzles! Some of them I have never even opened the box yet, they are brand new! I used to love sitting down and build a puzzle, I would put a 1000 piece puzzle together in an afternoon and if I liked it I would build it again and again. Now I have no time for puzzles but I still enjoy helping build them.

BBT = 36.84C (98.31F) -- It sure would be nice if my BBT stayed high!! If it drops to 35C then I may get grouchy! ;)

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